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Showing posts from April, 2015

Catching Up A Little Memory Preservation

I am using the Project Life App to save a few memories off my old iPhone 5. Once the phone pictures are scrapped I will retire that phone. Maybe use it as an iPod.  New phone is an iPhone 6 plus. Love it. Don't mind the size. I use my phone more than my iPad. I use my phone like a mini computer.  Kits used: Dazzle Mini Kit, Midnight Edition; School Theme Cards, Strawberry Edition, Everyday Adventure Kit by Stampin' Up! Thank you for stopping by. Happy memories preserved, Sandy

Enjoy Your Retirement

Get your accessories while you can. When stock depleted that is it. Stamps guaranteed until May 26th. June 2nd is the last day to order whatever is left in stock.  Of course that means a new catalog is coming soon. (Shh it's June 3rd) Order today your retirement package click Or click

Creative Connections Memories #projectlifeapp #PLxSU

I took a few minutes and jotted down some memories of yesterday's first ever Creative Connections from #stampinup #stampshareforleaders our local group leadership.  Great morning of sharing, fun, creativity and friends.  Products: Project Life Everyday Adventure kit by Stampin' Up! It is available in card (paper) form also through my website.  Thank you for stopping by. Happy memory saving, Sandy

Diva Blog Hop means April Showers for Mothers Day

(You should be arriving from Denise's Blog) WARNING: Tech problems with this months post. If the pictures appear huge it's because Safari and Google Blogger weren't playing nice with each other.  This month we feature Showers, water and Mothers Day. My thoughts went to Mother's Day.  Instead of a list I am posting pictures of my supplies used. Note: be sure to scroll down to the bottom of my post for a surprise ;-) Paper used Punches used Stamps used  Inks and such Boy I used five punches on this simple card. If you have not yet purchased the Painted Blooms paper I encourage all of you to get it before it's gone in a few weeks.  And of course, hop on to the next blog.   Amy: blog Complete list:  Sue: Denise: blog Sandy: Amy:

Independent Kids Night #stampinup #projectlifeapp

Kids had an evening alone while we took care of some things. They took themselves out to a nice restaurant, visited granny and more.  All scrapped already thanks to the Project Life app. I am going to miss My Digital Studio but this fills the gap for now.  Thanks for stopping by. Happy stamping and scrapping, Sandy

Winds of Change #projectlifeapp

My daughter was ready for a hair change. She wanted a statement color. She got it. The Salon even posted before and after photos on their social media.  Loving playing in #projectlifeapp and #PLxSU since My Digital Studio is going away the end of May. 

Drive Time

Loving playing with the #projectlifeapp especially since there are less than two months left of My Digital Studio. Sad to see it go but change can be good.  If you have any MDS downloads make sure they are backed up. There are other options and you can import into the parent company's software. Learn more

Free Shipping April 6-10.

Click Shop Now on the right to get started. 


This is my personal blog, I am an independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator and I am responsible for the content. Stampin' Up! does not endorse the use of the classes, services, or non-Stampin' Up! products I offer her.

Statement of the Heart

To love what we do and share what we love, as we help others enjoy creativity and worthwhile accomplishments this we make a difference!

Copy of My Rights

Copy of My Rights: All the content of this Blog (including text, photographs, and design work) is by Sandy McManus, Needs A Ribbon, Inc. You may copy my any of my art posted for your personal use as you please. Please respect the copyright laws: give credit where credit is due (to me!) and deux please do not copy anything on this website for publication and/or contest submission. Thank You! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License