I have been very absent from here. There is a logical and sound reason. On June 23, 2019 my husband got a kidney transplant. We got the call at 12:55 am on June 24, 2019 that there was one available. It was a very wild ride leading up to surgery. No one slept, like at all, until Sunday night. Like how could you sleep getting that news? You just can't. We have, or I have, more to share on this once life settles down. On top of that, because life continues to happen, in spades, I had surgery scheduled for days after his transplant. It was supposed to be a safe time to have it. The calendar was fairly clear!!! I did move it once or twice because of his transplant. But we discussed it, and decided that it was best to go ahead with my surgery. We can recover together. My pre-op exam would eventually time out (good for only 30 days) and I didn't want to repeat that. And so on. It seemed best to just go forward. It was my first surgery alone. My son dropped me off early in th...