Yup, after months of hard work and running between two houses, we did it. We sold our house, or more correctly it is in pending. Closing in FIVE WEEKS!!! It is exciting news. We still have a bit of stuff to move out. Mostly my chatkes and books and garage stuff and the furniture we left for staging. It will get done, but not soon enough for all involved parties. I plan on making an album of the house using before, during, staged and after pictures during my leisure time this summer. Yeah, it can happen, I can have leisure time! My whole family needs and deserves some family fun time. The top picture was made using the Project Life app and the Cinnamon Edition card pack. The bottom picture/page was done using the same items. It was created for a Facebook group I am part of as part of the Weekly Challenge Week 7. Boy that was a poorly worded sentence. Oh well. I am tired, as it has been a long many months. The challenge was to have a large top photo or two and sam...