I love color, studying color, the emotion of color. mixing colors. So many combinations, so little time. I am such a color dork I follow Pantone, the global color clearinghouse on Facebook. I first learned about color in a design class in collage. Yes back in the day ol Sandy studied Art History and Design, leaning toward interior design, but never got that far. Actually started collage in Journalism because they didn't know where to put me, as I wanted to be a graphic artist. Turns out that probably wasn't my best talent, but artsy craftsy has always been my thing. I have been a DIY since I could hold a scissors, fashioning my Dawn dolls and Barbies, and baby dolls and were they called Madge dolls? Oh I don't remember, but they were shorter chubby plastic Mattel dolls. And making my own seasonal bulletin board displays at home and whatever else I could get my hands on. Heck sometimes I would come home from school and decide that my room needed rearranging. But I digre...