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Showing posts from April, 2018

The Easter Bunny Came to Our House

We had a full house for Easter, just the way it should be. My daughter and BF were up for the whole weekend.  I had never cooked for Easter brunch before. I am not sure what we have done in recent years. I know when both my parents were alive we would brunch with them. I am thinking we didn't do much at all. In recent years around Easter we have had so much going on I bet it just wasn't even a thought of ours.  In wanting to make up for lost time, I decided to go all out for brunch. And I mean ALL OUT! Only the best food and finest ingredients. In searching around for recipes I found all the ones I used on Country Living, except the fruit and butter. And these recipes called for high end ingredients, which some were a challenge to find. My daughters BF works at JR Watkins, the very old food and door to door drug store of the 19th century. I had him grab some of the needed extracts and such. Plus he gets them at a great discount.  In fact we cook...

App Scrapping just Got Better! Project Life App

The Project Life App by Becky Higgins LLC is now a FREE app for iPhone and Android. FREE ya'll!!! And they will have in-app purchases too. One of the newest feature is FFT Free Form Text, in app purchase for $2.99. In this video you will learn some basics of using the Project Life App and become an App Scrapper like me! Honestly, I am promoting this app because I want everyone to scrapbook by any method possible. Why take thousands of pictures each year if they are just going to sit on your phone! Rather than print and do traditional scrapbooking, or transfer your pictures to a computer and do digital scrapbooking, how about scrapbooking right from your phone! Yes, tis true, tis possible with this sleek app. With the addition of FFT Free Form Text, the app just got even cooler! And the basic app is now FREEEEEE! FFT allows you to add text to photos and other cards (pocket cards), those are the pretty things that help decorate your page. FFT you can change the font, the ...

NEW!!! Printable Event Calendar from Needs A Ribbon

PRINTABLE CALENDAR FROM NEEDS A RIBBON I am going to try something new, which I hope will help you with planning on attending events. I have made a printable PDF calendar of events. I only have it populated up through July 2018 at the moment. I am having a challenge in trying to parse it out into separate months due to all the formatting included in the calendar. I encourage you to print and hang this in a convenient location. I used to do this years (many years) ago for my customers, but stopped when my schedule changed and there didn't seem to be much need.  As I am changing up what I offer you, I thought it would be best for you to have something to save and print. If I was a tech genius I could make them as able to enter right into your smart phone. I am not there yet.  I will always include national holidays! It will help you in planning what cards you will need for the upcoming months. PRINTABLE CALENDAR FROM NEEDS A RIBBON I update my calend...

A New Way to Stamp a Stack of Cards!

Several customers have asked for a traditional Stamp-A-Stack of cards class . Over my 13 years as being a Demonstrator I have offered them several different ways. They have been in person classes. They have been mail-order classes. They have been incentive classes with qualifying purchases. My measurable success at them has been all over the map! Currently I am offering a Card Buffet in person class at my home at the end of April. A Card Buffet is a stamp-a-stack of cards class but you get to choose which ones you make. I am offering 2 each of 6 styles for different pricing options. I am offering ten different card options to begin with, you choose 6 to make. Whatever packets are left carryover to the next buffet until they are gone.  Read more here.   I call it my "I know You're Hungry Card Buffet". I believe calling it a Card Buffet is confusing those of us that are used to the Stamp-A-Stack of card class name. Same idea but the customer gets more flexibility in choo...

I Hear You are an Adult Now!

Recently my son turned 18. He was unfortunately, but actually normally, sick for is birthday. Somehow that time of year he always gets sick with some virus. He didn't feel well enough to go to dinner, which is part of our family's birthday ritual. He had chosen Benihana's. He did say he wanted a cake though. He wanted the same cake we got his sister - the Celebration Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. That cake is huge! And even though he didn't feel well, he ate most of it himself over just a few days! Ah, he may be 18, but he is still a "teen" with a teen boys appetite! I didn't eve get a picture of him for his big birthday, I grabbed this silly one from some other family meal or something. It shows his "cheesy" side! One thing we have learned having two "adults" in the house is that the day they turn 18, legally everything changes. For some kids they may still have a long way until high school graduation too. The world just...

Let the Retirement Party Begin!

While I know many of you will be sad to say goodbye to some of these products, it means we are making room for more awesome goodies in the Annual Catalog 2018-19 which comes out June 1! Below are the PDF files you can download for your use of products that are retiring from both the Annual Catalog 2017-18 and from the current Occasions Catalog. I highly highly recommend getting any supplies for the retiring InColors while they are still available.  Dapper Denim, Peekaboo Peach, Flirty Flamingo, Emerald Envy and Sweet Sugarplum! Once the supplies for those colors are gone, it is forever. Stock up while you can peeps. Annual Catalog Retiring List Occasions Catalog Retiring List And if you need PDF files for any older catalogs please head to my Catalogs page. I upload all the PDF and retirement lists there for your use. Well it is time to say goodbye to our fine friends. Happy Shopping! SHOP NOW

Sad to Say Goodbye to our Fave Colors!

Retirement list from Stampin' Up! will be released April 9th. Check back for the list.  If you love Dapper Denim, Flirty Flamingo, Emerald Envy, Sweet Sugarplum, or Peekaboo Peach 2016-18 InColors, be sure to order your ink refill and any coordinating products before they are gone forever.  If you receive my newsletter and have placed an order in the last year then you are on my mailing list and will automatically receive the new Annual Catalog 2018-19 in the mail towards the end of May. If you want to get an annual catalog, please e mail me your information and I will place you on the list. I will be having a meet and greet to pick up a catalog in person. Date TBD. 


This is my personal blog, I am an independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator and I am responsible for the content. Stampin' Up! does not endorse the use of the classes, services, or non-Stampin' Up! products I offer her.

Statement of the Heart

To love what we do and share what we love, as we help others enjoy creativity and worthwhile accomplishments this we make a difference!

Copy of My Rights

Copy of My Rights: All the content of this Blog (including text, photographs, and design work) is by Sandy McManus, Needs A Ribbon, Inc. You may copy my any of my art posted for your personal use as you please. Please respect the copyright laws: give credit where credit is due (to me!) and deux please do not copy anything on this website for publication and/or contest submission. Thank You! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License