Accessory: Spider Web Doilies 139622 page 47 in the Holiday Catalog
My newest team member Jeny came over for crafts and swap prepping a few weeks ago. After the swaps were prepped, essentially we had a craft off with some Halloween fun.
Jenny took and flipped the black spider web doilies over so the white side was face up. She made a color mist using a spray bottle, rubbing alcohol and a dash of Night of Navy re-inker.
The effect is a smoky, mystical background that calls to spooks everywhere.
Another use for the doilies would be to color the white back side of the doily. They are a very pretty shape.
Thank you for allowing me to post your creation on my blog Jeny. Sorry about the double watermark, my app automatically adds my watermark.
Thank you for stopping by. I wish you a happy spooky night, Sandy