MayvMac Epic Fight 2017
So sad. Goodbye Ruby!
Newbie MN State Fair
Surgery Part 1
One evening a week ago, we had a somewhat quiet evening in the house. Hubs went off to run errands I cannot do yet, son was studying (playing games more likely) and I thought, I have not done any Project Life scrapbook pages since May I think. Maybe not, but close.
My time ended up being interrupted by LIFE, but I still got 6 pages done, not sharing the other two yet. I still want to write up much more on my surgery. This page is pretty much just leading up to surgery. I may not share my entire journey on social media, I am not sure. I have been pretty open about it, hoping that it helps someone else. Then again, maybe it is worth sharing. I will need to get those pages done soon.
I have a lot to get caught up from this summer, two trips and a few other noteworthy activities and events. I am still working on our big California trip from June 2016. That I am completing in My Digital Studio/My Memories Suite. I am hoping I can make it a coffee table type book. Some of the scenic pictures are just too beautiful to sit on my phone or computer.
I probably should have posted the pictures in the order of occurrence, the fight and state fair occurred on the same day. Surgery is followed by Ruby the next day happened before the other two pages. Oh well. Definitely Ruby was an uh oh moment in our lives, and at the least opportune time.
Recovery continues on my R knee, Saul, as my husband and I work our way through watching Better Call Saul. I have watched 2 seasons on Netflix. Since I put this stupid ban on TV 2 1/2 years ago, I cannot seem to force myself to turn the darn thing on now. My husband even got me a talking cable remote for during my surgery recovery. Talk about breaking a lifetime habit. My parents never restricted nor monitored what I watched on TV, ever. Even when I was in K-3grade I would crawl onto the end of my moms bed to watch Johnny Carsons monologue. I so admired his work at a very young age. His monologue started around 10:30 on a school night!
Surgery update, 5.5 weeks out of surgery now. As of PT physical therapy today, my range of motion is 75 degrees and growing weekly. I can extend my leg to 0 degrees. Progress is slow and steady. I am working against years of problems and 4 years on a knee implant that was never solid. Making progress and that is what counts most, not the pace, but the progress. it is not easy. I still have occasional days that I lay down and think, how did I get to this place, cuz it sucks. Most of the time I am Little Merry Sunshine though. We all have our moments of doubt, we are all human. It comes from being more than a rock!
Yes it felt good to get some Project Life work done. Feeling accomplished. Hubs said I was in a better mood after my little session. Yes, most likely very true. Feels good to record those memories, those thoughts, the good and bad moments that define who we are and why we re here.
I encourage you to go find some time in your busy week to do just that, journal, or scrapbook, or use the Project Life app and record some of those thoughts and memories, maybe find a picture or two that works, or not. It all doesn't have to have pictures.
Supplies: Project Life phone app, (top to bottom) Hashtag themed card collection, Perfectly Imperfect Card Collection, Theme Park card collection and Brave Patient card collection.
Thank you for stopping by today and hearing my story. I appreciate being able to share with you. Sandy