Several customers have asked for a traditional Stamp-A-Stack of cards class. Over my 13 years as being a Demonstrator I have offered them several different ways. They have been in person classes. They have been mail-order classes. They have been incentive classes with qualifying purchases. My measurable success at them has been all over the map! Currently I am offering a Card Buffet in person class at my home at the end of April. A Card Buffet is a stamp-a-stack of cards class but you get to choose which ones you make. I am offering 2 each of 6 styles for different pricing options. I am offering ten different card options to begin with, you choose 6 to make. Whatever packets are left carryover to the next buffet until they are gone. Read more here. I call it my "I know You're Hungry Card Buffet". I believe calling it a Card Buffet is confusing those of us that are used to the Stamp-A-Stack of card class name. Same idea but the customer gets more flexibility in choosing what they make.
I had a brainstorm with myself the other night and I think I have come up with a workable solution to offering something on a smaller scale, on a more regular basis (think monthly!) that can be done in person at my house, at your house on your time which can then be mailed to you, and can also be an incentive to place a qualifying order. Read on about a new way to Stamp--A-Stack of cards.
What is included?
What I have come up with, if I may ramble on a bit more, is 2 each of 3 different card styles and envelopes on a monthly basis. Say what? Yes! Sandy is offering a Stamp-A-Stack monthly, but smaller scale for shorter attention spans! Just kidding. Really if you participate monthly you will have 72 cards to send every 12 months. Every month will include 2 each of a general birthday card and 2 each of 2 other cards, related to the next months holidays or other relevant items. You can see the schedule below. Also note that sometimes I will make sure to use the super shiny new goodies when a new catalog comes out!
Dates You need to Know
So with this new way to class, you can purchase the class by the tenth of the month, monthly or up to you how often you participate. Money is due to me by the 15th of the month. When I have money in hand I will cut your packet. If payment is delayed, you will get the next months packet. I cut once for that month, so whomever has sent me registration and payment will get that months Stamp-A-Stack! If you opt to participate in person at my house, during one of the two class sessions I am offering during the third week of each month, you still need to submit payment ahead of time. This guarantees you a packet of supplies!
There will be no sneak peek at the cards for the upcoming month, much like all the other monthly subscriptions you can purchase, including our own Paper Pumpkin subscription. We have no idea what we will get until we open the box. You will know what the card themes will be ahead, so if you do not need those cards, carry on and ignore that month.
I will mail the class packets on or about the 17th of each month, and include a PDF of instructions, pictures of the projects and supply list in case you fall in love with some of the pretty stuff!
Get the class for FREE!
If you place a minimum $50 order by the 10th of a month, you will automatically get sent the class. You will need to notify me if you do not want to receive the class. People that order as NO CONTACT will not get a class because I do not have your address. I have no way to contact you. That makes me sad because I am offering a nice incentive to place a nice order. Opt in!
I think that about covers the details. Place a qualifying order and automatically and conveniently get the class for FREE. Register by the tenth and get that payment to me quickly by the 15th of the month to make sure you get the packet. Registering by email or text does not guarantee until I get the payment. I mail you your class packet around the 17th of the month. Bingo! Classes made super easy for all of us.
In Person Class Details
In person class attendees will still get the instruction PDF, you just have the added benefit of being able to visit with me!!! In person class will occur during the third week of the month (most months) but will always be held on Tuesdays from 1-3 and Fridays from 6:30-8:30. There are some dates this summer that may be off schedule due to my sons graduation and a few other family events. But I will do my best to keep to the consistent schedule to make it easy for all of us to remember. I will provide the adhesive for in person classes, which will be green Tombo glue. If you are partial to tape runners, please feel free to bring your own to class.
Address is in Minnetonka and is listed below. You can message me for it also.
If you participate all year long you will have enough cards for just about every occasion, 72 in all. Because there are only 6 cards monthly, it shouldn't take much time to put them together. I think that is something that has intimidated some of you. I know it would probably intimidate me too.
Below is a spreadsheet of the details. I have included a link below that of the information in PDF format for you to print and hang in a convenient location. You can always find the document under my Tool Box tab. I put all instructional or class or tips sheets under that tab.
Registering for Class
To register, you may email me or text me your registration request. You can just say "I'm in for class this month" or I am going to attend class on --- date! Make sure you pop that payment to me right away then to make sure you get the months class you wish to make! $15 in person class, $22 for mail order class. $0 for those that place a minimum of $50 order.
Do you really like the upcoming card styles/subjects/themes that are listed? Feel free to double or triple the class fee of $15. I have not checked if it will cost me more to mail a double packet. It is something I can look into if that is something people are interested. Just let me know how many packets when you are registering! Just say "double me up this month" or "I will take the triple ripple" or something. You know what I mean. I just need to know how many packets you want, if you want more than the one. See? This way you can get a bigger Stamp-A-Stack at your convenience.
I have included in the main flyer a payment coupon, it helps me but isn't mandatory. And I know when I send in payments for things I usually type up a simple registration thing. There is a link below and in my Tool Box for additional payment coupons you can print.
Payments are due to me by the 15th of the month in which you are participating. Payment will either be $15 if you opt for the in person class to make your cards, or $22 for processing and mailing your packet. If you place a qualifying order, yours is automatic unless you notify me you want to opt out. Payments are check made out to Sandy McManus, or cash. Mail to address is PO Box 1769, Minnetonka MN 55345. Secured mailbox! Just remember if your payment doesn't arrive by the 15th, you will just receive the next months class. How cool is that? You win either way! Feel free to include the payment coupons I have created to make it easier for you.
Stamp-A-Stack of Cards Calendar and Information
Payment Coupon (optional) for Class payment
Simple Class Flyer with no dates same as item pictured at the top of this post. Handy and simple reminder to register for class.
Back side of PDF calendar flyer below
I had a brainstorm with myself the other night and I think I have come up with a workable solution to offering something on a smaller scale, on a more regular basis (think monthly!) that can be done in person at my house, at your house on your time which can then be mailed to you, and can also be an incentive to place a qualifying order. Read on about a new way to Stamp--A-Stack of cards.
What is included?
What I have come up with, if I may ramble on a bit more, is 2 each of 3 different card styles and envelopes on a monthly basis. Say what? Yes! Sandy is offering a Stamp-A-Stack monthly, but smaller scale for shorter attention spans! Just kidding. Really if you participate monthly you will have 72 cards to send every 12 months. Every month will include 2 each of a general birthday card and 2 each of 2 other cards, related to the next months holidays or other relevant items. You can see the schedule below. Also note that sometimes I will make sure to use the super shiny new goodies when a new catalog comes out!
Dates You need to Know
So with this new way to class, you can purchase the class by the tenth of the month, monthly or up to you how often you participate. Money is due to me by the 15th of the month. When I have money in hand I will cut your packet. If payment is delayed, you will get the next months packet. I cut once for that month, so whomever has sent me registration and payment will get that months Stamp-A-Stack! If you opt to participate in person at my house, during one of the two class sessions I am offering during the third week of each month, you still need to submit payment ahead of time. This guarantees you a packet of supplies!
There will be no sneak peek at the cards for the upcoming month, much like all the other monthly subscriptions you can purchase, including our own Paper Pumpkin subscription. We have no idea what we will get until we open the box. You will know what the card themes will be ahead, so if you do not need those cards, carry on and ignore that month.
I will mail the class packets on or about the 17th of each month, and include a PDF of instructions, pictures of the projects and supply list in case you fall in love with some of the pretty stuff!
Get the class for FREE!
If you place a minimum $50 order by the 10th of a month, you will automatically get sent the class. You will need to notify me if you do not want to receive the class. People that order as NO CONTACT will not get a class because I do not have your address. I have no way to contact you. That makes me sad because I am offering a nice incentive to place a nice order. Opt in!
I think that about covers the details. Place a qualifying order and automatically and conveniently get the class for FREE. Register by the tenth and get that payment to me quickly by the 15th of the month to make sure you get the packet. Registering by email or text does not guarantee until I get the payment. I mail you your class packet around the 17th of the month. Bingo! Classes made super easy for all of us.
In Person Class Details
In person class attendees will still get the instruction PDF, you just have the added benefit of being able to visit with me!!! In person class will occur during the third week of the month (most months) but will always be held on Tuesdays from 1-3 and Fridays from 6:30-8:30. There are some dates this summer that may be off schedule due to my sons graduation and a few other family events. But I will do my best to keep to the consistent schedule to make it easy for all of us to remember. I will provide the adhesive for in person classes, which will be green Tombo glue. If you are partial to tape runners, please feel free to bring your own to class.
Address is in Minnetonka and is listed below. You can message me for it also.
If you participate all year long you will have enough cards for just about every occasion, 72 in all. Because there are only 6 cards monthly, it shouldn't take much time to put them together. I think that is something that has intimidated some of you. I know it would probably intimidate me too.
Below is a spreadsheet of the details. I have included a link below that of the information in PDF format for you to print and hang in a convenient location. You can always find the document under my Tool Box tab. I put all instructional or class or tips sheets under that tab.
Registering for Class
To register, you may email me or text me your registration request. You can just say "I'm in for class this month" or I am going to attend class on --- date! Make sure you pop that payment to me right away then to make sure you get the months class you wish to make! $15 in person class, $22 for mail order class. $0 for those that place a minimum of $50 order.
Do you really like the upcoming card styles/subjects/themes that are listed? Feel free to double or triple the class fee of $15. I have not checked if it will cost me more to mail a double packet. It is something I can look into if that is something people are interested. Just let me know how many packets when you are registering! Just say "double me up this month" or "I will take the triple ripple" or something. You know what I mean. I just need to know how many packets you want, if you want more than the one. See? This way you can get a bigger Stamp-A-Stack at your convenience.
I have included in the main flyer a payment coupon, it helps me but isn't mandatory. And I know when I send in payments for things I usually type up a simple registration thing. There is a link below and in my Tool Box for additional payment coupons you can print.
Payments are due to me by the 15th of the month in which you are participating. Payment will either be $15 if you opt for the in person class to make your cards, or $22 for processing and mailing your packet. If you place a qualifying order, yours is automatic unless you notify me you want to opt out. Payments are check made out to Sandy McManus, or cash. Mail to address is PO Box 1769, Minnetonka MN 55345. Secured mailbox! Just remember if your payment doesn't arrive by the 15th, you will just receive the next months class. How cool is that? You win either way! Feel free to include the payment coupons I have created to make it easier for you.
Post this in convenient location!
Order Due+
10th of every month
Money Due++
15th of the month
In Person Class*
Usually 3rdweek of month
Tuesday 1-3
Friday 6:30-8:30
Special Notice
| |
Birthday – General-2
Valentine’s Day- 2
Baby - 2
January 10, 2019
January 15, 2019
TBD – To Be Determined
Will use Occasions catalog items
Birthday – Child – 2
St Patrick’s Day – 2
Easter - 2
February 10, 2019
February 15, 2019
Will use Occasions catalog items
Birthday – Male – 2
Wedding – 2
General - 2
March 10, 2019
March 15, 2019
| |
Birthday – General -2
Mother’s Day – 2
Thank you (teacher) - 2
April 10, 2019
April 15, 2019
Will use Occasions catalog items
Birthday – Male – 2
Graduation – 2
Father’s Day - 2
May 10, 2018
May 15, 2018
May 22, 2018
May 25, 2018
Will use Occasions catalog items
Birthday – Milestone-2
Thank You – 2
Patriotic – 2
June 10, 2018
June 15, 2018
June 26, 2018
June 29, 2018
New Catalog items!
Birthday – Male – 2
Retirement – 2
Baby - 2
July 10, 2018
July 15, 2018
July 17 2018
July 20, 2018
| |
Birthday- General – 2
Sympathy – 2
General cards - 2
August 10, 2018
August 15, 2018
| |
Birthday – Baby – 2
Halloween – 2
Wedding - 2
September 10, 2018
September 15, 2018
New Holiday Catalog items!
Birthday - General - 2
Gratitude – 2
General -2
October 10, 2018
October 15, 2018
| |
Birthday – Male – 2
Christmas – 2
Christmas - 2
November 10, 2018
November 15, 2018
New Holiday Catalog items!
Birthday -General – 2
New Years – 2
Sympathy - 2
December 10, 2018
December 15, 2018
Schedule will be updated with TBD.
Payment Coupon (optional) for Class payment
Simple Class Flyer with no dates same as item pictured at the top of this post. Handy and simple reminder to register for class.
Back side of PDF calendar flyer below
Cards for that month are geared for events in the following month. We will do 2 each of 3 cards with envelopes. If you consistently participate you should have cards for just about every occasion during the year. A total of 2 each of 36 cards for 72 total cards for the year. This is not a club, there is no monthly obligation to participate
There may be special add – on 3D items during the year. You will be notified when they are available.
+Order Due by Date: It is due by the tenth (10th) of every month. You will need to email me if you are just doing the class either in person or by email so I can prep your packet. If you order after the 10thof the month you will receive the next month’s class when they are mailed out after I have received your money. Place a minimum $50.00 in product orderby the 10thof that month and your complimentary class will be mailed to you. If you do not want to receive the class packet, you will need to let me know by email
++Money Due by Date: Money must be received by 15thof the month in order to get that months class.
Class is $15.00. Shipping is $7.00. If doing the mail order class your total will be $22.00 dollars check mailed to me at Sandy McManus, PO Box 1769, Minnetonka MN 55345. In person attendees will still need to mail a check to be received by this date. This honors your commitment to participate and assures you do get a packet. If you place a minimum $50.00 in product order you will skip this step.
Shipping: Orders will be shipped on or about the 17thof that month. Gives you plenty of time to assemble the cards for the next month’s occasions. You will need to provide scissors and your own adhesives. Includes instructional PDF and supply list.
*In Person Class: Will usually be held the third week of that month. Two sessions: Tuesday, 1-3 pm or Friday 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Address: Sandy McManus, 14109 Mount Terrace, Minnetonka MN 55345.
For your convenience I have a payment coupon you can use to mail in your payment if you opt for just the class and not free with a minimum $50 product order.
Sandy McManus, Stampin’ Up!
I love being your Independent Demonstrator! © 612-280-5590
Stack of Cards Payment Coupon
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Please circle option
| |||
In Person Class
Mailorder Class (includes postage)
| |||
Class Attending (in person class)
| |||
Tuesday 1-3
Friday 6:30-8:30
| |||
| ||
If you placed a minimum $50 order you do not need to mail in this form.
| ||||
Please remit payment to: Sandy McManus, PO Box 1769, Minnetonka MN 55345 by the 15thof the month.
Well I have rattled on for long enough. Lets get you registered for May's monthly Stamp-A-Stack of cards right now.
And after you receive your packet you will still have plenty of time to get those cards assembled and delivered to your special someones!
I hope you are excited as I am about this new way to Stamp-A-Stack of Cards! I am about over the moon with this idea. After 13 years I think I have a solution that will satisfy everyone's needs!
Get registered and keep being your creative best! ~Sandy
Well I have rattled on for long enough. Lets get you registered for May's monthly Stamp-A-Stack of cards right now.
May will have 2 birthday cards,
2 Father's Day cards and 2 Graduation cards.
And after you receive your packet you will still have plenty of time to get those cards assembled and delivered to your special someones!
I hope you are excited as I am about this new way to Stamp-A-Stack of Cards! I am about over the moon with this idea. After 13 years I think I have a solution that will satisfy everyone's needs!
Get registered and keep being your creative best! ~Sandy