My favorite time of year at Stampin' Up! First of all we have a shiny new mini catalog - the Occasions Spring 2019 Catalog. Items available until May 2019. Inside you will find new punch kits, card kits, darling items for Valentines day, several new product suites, including How Sweet It is (all about sweets), and more.
On top of that Sale-A-Bration kicks off. Beginning January 3, 2019 until March 31, 2019 for every $50 in merchandise you purchase you will be able to select a free item from the Sale-A-Bration (or SAB for short) brochure. There are a few items available for $100 in merchandise or worth 2 $50 items. Hostesses earn even more! Yes, you can be your own hostess. I highly recommend it. I do it all the time. You will be prompted during the ordering process to place your item numbers for SAB items you wish.
If you are interested in receiving a hard copy of the catalogs from me, email me today.
On a personal note:
I have not been posting as much or being as consistent with my live classes on Facebook. I am having problems with my left wrist. I have been in physical therapy for 6 months, gone through several braces, injections and more. It feels fine if I do not move it much or stress it. Which means Big Shot and Punches and typing are highly irritating. I am working on workarounds.
As far as blogging, which I love doing and have been doing since 1996 actually and since I became a demonstrator in 2005, I need to work on dictioning my blogging. The problem is what my brain says and what I type are two different things. It is a brain training thing and something I plan to tackle in 2019. I miss blogging so much.
The holidays, with all the cooking, were challenging for my wrist. I spent a lot of off hours icing and resting. And now my husbands health has taken a turn. That is a story in and of itself. He needs a kidney transplant, and has been on the list for almost a year (yay) with no dialysis yet. Every day he wakes up not on dialysis is a blessing of life to him. Doing some of the holiday work he acquired an inguinal hernia, which needs repair fast. It has to be repaired before he can get a transplant and may affect dialysis, as he has chosen peritoneal dialysis for now, at home dialysis. So I am picking up what slack I can with my wrist. Our kids are still home for college and we are tasking them as much as we can.
It has been a crazy holiday. We count are blessings. We are all together. We have had many guests. We got the house decorated. The kitchen was attempted to be cleaned for Christmas and New Years and never got completely done. You know what? Who cares. We had fun being together. A lot of fun.
So now you know why I haven't been posted projects on here, but rather short posts, and I had to cut back on those too, on Facebook, is physically I just cannot right now. I sucked it up to write these posts and will be icing as soon as I am done.
Happy New Year and love to all of you. Keep being your creative self. - Sandy
Enjoy the new catalog.