I would like to invite you to the 8th
Annual What a Girl Wants Expo on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 from 4-9 pm at
Greenhaven Country Club in Anoka. This is my third year participating. I have
lots of samples and two make n take projects. So excited!!!
Admission is $2.00 and you will receive raffle tickets at check
in. Waxing, music, massages, 90 vendors and more.
Please go to facebook.com/
Below is the Facebook Announcement:
Join us for our 8th annual Girl's Night Out! Come with your girlfriends or spend some quality time on your own!
After all the wonderful holidays..."put your feet up" with us! There will be over 90 Vendors...with something for everybody!
Fun/Free/Photo Booth - $5 eyebrow waxing- $1/minute massage-Free give aways at most booths - Drink specials and Dinner available for extra charge.
Plus...it will feel a lot like...Spring! Thanks to Green Valley Garden Center. New! Kendri Scarborough will be providing music in the bar area!
Cost: $2 at the door. You will recieve 2 $1 vendor coupons to spend that night.
Raffel tickets will be available for $1 a piece. Our non-profit organization this year...is Cookie Cart! Check them out; cookiecart.com
Please go to facebook.com/