Our bus driver of 10 years is "retiring" from our route. It is the longest route in our district, which is geographically speaking, a very large district. He truly did a great job keeping kids safe, on time, and in line for 10 years. It's the only driver my son has known. Dave just grew weary of the hours and miles. He was never sick and rarely took time off. Cannot ask for a better driver.
We gave him a Gander Mountain gift card as a thank you because he was all about the Hunt Fish Camp in his free time.
I had about five minutes and no stamps that would really fit the occasion so I focused on the colors of Hunt Fish Camp.
The finished card is 5x7 to accommodate the 4x6 photo inside. My son has gotten so tall this year!Using the woodgrain background stamp to set the stage for the theme. I used tthree of the new InColors - tangelo twist, which is my substitute for blaze orange, and mossy meadow, which is a real nice outdoorsy green. Hello honey added a lighter punch to the bunch.
I did sponge the woodgrain image which I had stamped in soft suede. The wood has a nice birch feel to it.
The shapes were made using the Starbust Framelits. The weird very vanilla fringy thing was made to represent feathers or tall grass. It's more of an abstract look. Or more to the point, it needed something other than a geographic circle there. And tangelo twist bitty banner punches along the top.
Again, five minutes of not fussing to make this. It suits the occasion. Certainly not one of my more artistic creations.
Thank you for stopping by. Happy stamping, Sandy