You can just pop the pads out of the plastic base, wash them in your dishwasher, with your dishes. I don't recommend sticking them in the dishwasher with your real dirty pots n pans.
The next time you need to clean your stamps, spray with your Stampin' Mist Rubber Stamp Cleaner (item 102394). I alternate between moistening the one side of the Stampin' Scrub with SU! Mist and distilled water. It is important to use ONLY distilled water, and not tap water, bottled water or such. Distilled water is just that, it has been cleansed of all impurities that can mold and mildew on your Stampin' Scrub when not in use. Think about it, it is sitting there, on your desk, it is dark and wet inside of it, just waiting to grow stuff. Ewww!
TIP: I put blue duct tape around the sidewalls of the "wet" side of my Stampin' Scrub so that I and my customers always know which side will be wet. You could also use a silver Sharpie marker or a bright color of nail polish. The blue makes me think water, makes me think wet!
I keep my Stampin' Mist and a small spray bottle loaded with distilled water right by my Stampin' Scrub, locked and loaded at all times!