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Let There be Light! And there is!!!

You have to love Saturday Home Improvement days. A few weeks ago we had one. It had been on the docket for a very long time. We had the light for over a year, and no way to reach 14 feet to install it in a tiny space. I used the Next Door app and reached out to neighbors to see if anyone had a ladder or scaffolding or something that might help us. Along comes kind John who loaned us his Little Giant ladder. Which is kind of funny. About ten years ago our kids preferred watching the Little Giant infomercial on Saturday mornings to the normal cartoons. They called it The Ladder Show. They thought it was a real show, not trying to sell you anything. They couldn't miss their Ladder Show. Gotta love home improvement kids!!!

I found out shortly before my mom passed away in 2015 that she never ever liked the light that was in the front entrance either. It came with the house. Well, why didn't you ever change it? She just gave me silence. I am going to guess part of it was the same issue we had, can't reach up that high in that small of a space. 

I love love love the new light. It is a modern shape with a nod to vintage with the glass crystals in it. The size and round shape are perfect for the space. It just fixes a whole lot of stupid in the front entrance. We have started to use the expression "to fix stupid" when referring to most of the home improvement projects around here. I know the original light fixture was trendy at the time, but it was hung a touch to high and definitely didn't bring enough light into a very dark corner. It faces north, with no natural light coming in. 

A week after we borrowed the neighbors ladder we went to the annual Home and Garden Convention show. Guess who was there? Yup, the Little Giant company. We headed right over and bought a newer and much improved version of the same ladder we borrowed. We even added the ratchet leveling feet because so much of the ground outside is horribly uneven. Now each foot on each side can be a different height for perfect balance. It sounds so corny to get excited about a ladder but when you do much home improvement, ease and safety are so important. Ill stop now!

I used two different card collections to do this page, to showcase the old and the new. It works for this page.  

Part of why I am sharing this with you isn't to promote the Little Giant ladder, but I do highly recommend getting one, but it is to remind you to document the changes in your home. A simple light change out really did bring a new look and safety too to a dark corner of the house. The paint is just as old as the old light fixture, but we are getting there slowly. Its oil paint and going to be fun to paint over that! Prime prime prime. But first we need to move a few walls. 

Thanks for stopping by today, Sandy

Supplies used: Project Life App Heritage Edition and Midnight Edition



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To love what we do and share what we love, as we help others enjoy creativity and worthwhile accomplishments this we make a difference!

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Copy of My Rights: All the content of this Blog (including text, photographs, and design work) is by Sandy McManus, Needs A Ribbon, Inc. You may copy my any of my art posted for your personal use as you please. Please respect the copyright laws: give credit where credit is due (to me!) and deux please do not copy anything on this website for publication and/or contest submission. Thank You! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License