Both my children have over the years developed nicknames for each other. Some days I wonder if they even remember what their actual names are, but thats okay. Given their history of at times loathing each other, I consider this phase "terms of affection". And actually the history of the names are quite clever.
My son, whom my daughter at one point in their fiery history called him Unknown, as in "I don't know you, you don't know me, and and you don't exist in my world". they were ages 10 and 12 or 11 and 13. He had a series of short lived nicknames after that, until he became "MUD". Mud is based on a Calvin & Hobbes comic she was reading at the time. Calvin comes into his dad one day and says "call me Sir....." and listed off about 10 names. His dad turns to him and says "I shall call you Mud". And thus he became MUD! Which I took to quite well, and add on MUD 007, because he was a huge Bond fan for many years, and eventually Stuck in Mud, because, well, he will forever be Stuck as Mud. And at the time, an 11 year old boy, Mud fit in so many ways. If his sister has any say in the matter, his tombstone will like read RIP MUD someday! Its the little things that make me laugh. And now they get along all too well. But that took so many painful years.
And she became G Face a long time ago. He actually called her by her rightful name, respectfully until she was around age 13 or 14. G face originated from fifter sace which came from Rory trying to read from a Warrior Cat series book and stumbled over sisters face. He giggled over his goof for more than an hour and for a time he referred to Gretchen when talking to blake as Fifter Sace. He finally picked up on it and shortened it to G face. Or Gahfahsay sometimes. Not even sure how to spell that one.
Since these nicknames will likely stick with them at this point, for most of their lives, I thought it best to get the history recorded before one, or all of us, forgets the origins of such silliness. Since I never had siblings, I never had a nickname, besides Pearl, which came from my mom and stuck until her death. I wrote about that a few weeks ago here.
Supplies: Project Life App for iPhone; For Mud's page I used Boys Rule Card collection because it fit the theme for what he was like at the age he acquired the name. For G Face I used the Cat Collection Card set because of the Warriors cat book series. The single cat card, I was actually able to flip it upside-down. Some cards can be re-oriented within the app. Proud Project Life Affiliate!